Planetary annihilation titan portals
Planetary annihilation titan portals

  • Call Of The Void: the titan is capable of calling apon the Void Domain, summoning hundreds of thousands of Void-Lings and Void-Dwellers to serve the Void Titan's demands.
  • Planetary Annihilation: after charging up its power for a couple days the Void Titan is capable of complete destruction of a planet and everything on it.
  • The powers known as of now are as follows: The Void Titan is an incredibly powerful being, most of its true power is yet to be defined. Some have said there is a third reason, that the Void Titan is being stopped by an unknown source or radiant force of nature. The second is that while the void titan is incredibly strong it is not invincible leading to have taken massive damage as a result from the creation of the universe. The main reason the void titan has not destroyed all life yet is because of two reasons, the first being, that in order to destroy all of life he must rest to gain enough power to perform such a feat. Though some have said to have seen some kinds of black ooze at the sites of destroyed planets. The only thing you see before your planet gets annihilated is its almost infinite eyes staring into your soul, watching, waiting, laughing as you and your planet turn to ash. The void titan does not have a specific appearance, mostly because no one has lived long enough to see it. The Titan has also been gaining more followers who have become a lot fiercer and more loyal to their master. As of now the Void Titan has been partially dormant, exerting less power to destroy. If you do somehow manage to break past its mind tricks it is still a massive, hulking titan with the power to eradicate and entire planet if it charges up enough power. Due to its intelligence, the void titan can play mind games with you before you even get the chance to face it head on. In fact, the void titan does have a great mind, it can still be corrupted.

    planetary annihilation titan portals

    While the Void Titan is incredibly powerful it is still susceptible to physical or mental trauma. The titan's main purpose is to destroy all life and bring the universe back to being what it once was, that being a large expansive dark void. The entity was created at the same time the universe was born, as a way to balance all the life that had been created. It is hailed as the harbinger of death itself: it's very being is the antithesis to all life.

  • 1 Crucial Information About The Void TitanĪ massive, galaxy ending entity, it is about the size of an average planet and has an outstanding 244 bright, watching, eyes.
  • Certainly there's an argument to be had over whether they should be able to (I'd say definitely yes for consistency reasons, but as for balance reasons we can't know until other planetary invasion elements are in place). I don't know what the solution is to make planetary invasion more feasible, but air units through teleporters won't solve any issues.

    planetary annihilation titan portals

    There are two usual situations, the first is that one player greatly out-ecos the other and it's just a matter of waiting for big-eco-player to make enough Avengers to overwhelm the other, or both players are roughly equal in eco and you get a stalemate (or if not a literal stalemate, a game where the action stops for so long that it's impossible to stay focussed). Regardless, the problem is not that air units can't go through teleporters, the problem is that the options to invade a planet are very limited and usually come down to out-spamming your opponent. Perversely it's easier to invade a large planet than a small moon, because it's easier to cover a moon in Umbrellas.

    planetary annihilation titan portals

    Invading fortified planets is currently pretty broken. His umbrellas will hurt you, but if he has a soft spot without them you want to tile the sky above it with anchors to secure a landing zone. Once you're cleared out his orbital layer get orbital radar over his planet and start spamming anchors with great zeal.

    #Planetary annihilation titan portals mods#

    Sadly, we may have to wait until mods can deliver this brand of goodness, so in the mean time I suggest countering an enemy's "super moon patrol" by building lots and lots of avengers.

    planetary annihilation titan portals

    If it's ascent/descent were slow enough it would still be counterable with umbrellas and avengers before it could launch fighters.Īlternatively I could see building the same unit, but rather than as a transport it would be an interplanetary T1 airfactory armed with a flak gun to secure the air around itself while it starts pumping out interceptors. My first choice would be a interplanetary carrier that drops down like an Astraeus to load or launch aircraft. I definitely do not want air units to be teleportable as I enjoy land and air being as different as possible, but I would love it if we had NEW ways to move air units between planets.

    Planetary annihilation titan portals